Wednesday, 2 May 2012

String ‘Em Up!

A much over looked but very important technique for any guitarist is how to properly re-string their instrument. In this article I’m going to focus on installing steel strings and leave nylon or classical guitar re-stringing for another time.

First off…be aware of the string gauge you’re using…in other words, what your guitar has been set up with. If you change the gauge you’ll likely have to re-adjust your truss rod and intonation. Also, it’s good to stay with the same brand of string once you’ve found one you like. Time and time again I’ve found that even if you’ve kept with the same gauge, changing brands can result in further intonation adjustments.

The first method of re-stringing we’ll discuss is the one I mainly use which I call the “Lock Wind.”  First, turn the tuning key until the hole in the string post is in line with the nut slot. Next, pass the string through the hole pulling it up so there’s about 2” between the fingerboard and the string…keeping the string taught at the bridge end. This should allow for about 2 or 2 ½ windings on the string post once you’re done. You don’t want anymore that…excessive windings can cause the strings to slip. Next you pull the string toward the centre of the headstock and loop it underneath and over itself up against the string post. Then start turning the tuning key…winding the string on the post. Be sure the windings go from the top down, thus creating a greater angle from the string post to the nut. This puts more downward pressure in the nut and increases your sustain. By installing the string in this manner, it will have wound around itself once giving it something to “hang onto.” Once properly stretched, you’re good to go!

Now we’ll talk about stringing a guitar with vintage Kluson style tuners, which have a split post (these are found on many Fender Strats and Teles). What you do, is pass the string through the bridge and pull it tight. Measure about 2” past the string post of the string in question (I use the handle of my plastic string winder to measure with) and cut the string. Now stick the cut string end down the centre hole of the post and start winding. Cutting the string like this will give you about 3 windings on the string post, and once again be sure to wind from the top down…

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